Become a Day Trader - 3 Simple Steps to Consistent Profits

by Brian McAboy

To become a day trader and to be consistently profitable, there are 3 simple steps you must follow unless you want to lose a lot of money getting there.

You want to become a day trader and make consistent profits. You also want to reliably repeat when you hit winners, right? Of course you do! The first goal in trading is profiting. Goal #2 is then making money consistently. Goal #3 is steadily increasing profits.

Your trading profits are primarily controlled by what YOU do, more so than what the markets do. There are traders profiting every single day, so pointing your finger at the markets is simply an excuse. If you want consistent profits, then get more consistent in what you do in your trading.

How to become a day trader begins with understanding that trading is a repeated activity. That's why making use of a proven trading system is so important. If you truly desire to make improvements in a process, and particularly when your goal is achieve greater consistency, the three steps below are ones you can take to dramatically improve your consistency.

Step 1. Clearly detail and document your system. One of the more common mistakes made by traders, particularly regarding consistency, is that they don't have their system well-defined and written down.

When you have an activity that isn't documented, there will probably be inconsistencies in how the task gets performed. The reason the military is so big on following procedure: they insist that things be done in a uniform, reliable and predictable manner. The same thing goes for your trading.

Step 2. Measure your trading system's critical factors. A wise man once stated that for you to improve anything, you must begin by first measuring it. In what other way are you to know if you're making progress? With trading you have several measurable aspects that determine your bottom line, in addition to the all-important profit/loss number at the end of the month.

Businesses in all industries have certain aspects that directly affect the profitability of the business. Savvy business owners know to track those aspects and assign measureables to them. The reason that these are so important as you become a day trader is because through a calculated analysis of these factors, you can then see specifically where to focus your efforts to make specific improvements.

Step 3. Make improvements in a controlled manner. Once you've conducted an analysis of your system, you can now focus on specific facets of your system to make improvements. By having a method for this analysis, you can make changes to the system and test - without risking money - either through back-testing or in a demo account and determine the true impact on the system's performance - and if there are any trade-offs.

As an example, let's say you analyze your system and find that your winning percentage is currently 48%. You've got an idea on how to improve it to 55%, which you "think" would increase your overall returns. Next would be to run the analysis on the system with the change on real market data. By looking at the results, you can see if this change indeed did what you expected, but also if there were trade-offs in other aspects of your system performance, such as a reduced number of trading opportunities. It will be clear now whether you should stick with your current system or go with the modification.

Conclusion. Trading is a process from which you want consistent - and reliable - results. Trading your system is an activity that you do regularly, so if you want want to become a day trader that makes consistent profits, focus on making your actions consistent.

Step 1 is to make sure that you have clearly defined and written down your system. By clarifying your system and then documenting it, you are more likely to repeat what you do consistently.

Step 2 is to run the metrics on your trading for a baseline of where you are now versus your desired goal where you want to be. This also let's you see where to focus for improvement.

Step 3 is to track your metrics and make improvements in a meticulous manner and keeping your risk very controlled.

There are a handful of metrics regarding your trading system that have substantial impact on your profits as you become a day trader. Through analyzing your system's performance and paying particular attention to these metrics, you give yourself the best means to increase your profits. Additionally, this will provide a major boost to your ability to consistently produce profits.

About the Author:
Not sure what metrics you need to become a day trader that profits consistently? Don't know how to calculate them? Don't throw away $500 on backtesting software that requires you to be a programmer. Discover the easy means to do both and feel your confidence soar by clicking here,


Gold Indexes: Comparing and Evaluating the HUI, XAU, GDX, XGD and CDNX

by Lorimer Wilson

Market analysts, investment newsletter writers and financial planners are always commenting on how well, or poorly, the precious metals (read gold) mining sector is doing based on how a particular gold/silver mining index is trending but they are not telling you the whole story.

Why not? Because there are more than 40 precious metals mining indexes (indices) that dice and slice the components of the precious metals mining sector to arrive at a wide variety of insights and using any one of them as a basis on which to comment on the performance of the precious metals mining sector does not accurately reflect the true picture of the sector. Making investment decisions without first knowing how each index is structured; the eligibility criteria; the number of companies included; the specific market capitalization of the components; and the degree of concentration and average market capitalization of each index may lead to imprudent decisions. That's the fundamental problem. Below are descriptions of four popular indices and a fifth one that has been largely overlooked by precious metals stock and warrant investors, analysts and investment newsletter writers alike:

1. HUI is the symbol of the AMEX Gold BUGS (Basket of Un-hedged Gold Stocks) Index and is a modified equal dollar-weighted index of 15 gold mining companies that do not hedge their gold beyond 1.5 years. The best way to invest in this index is in HUI options.

2. XAU is the symbol of the Philadelphia Gold and Silver Sector Index and is a market capital-ization index of 16 companies in the gold, silver and copper mining industry. The best way to invest in this index is through options traded on the index.

3. GDM is the symbol for the NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index and is a modified market capitalization weighted index of 31 gold and silver mining companies. The best way to invest in this index is via the Market Vectors - Gold Miners ETF (GDX).

4. SPTGD is the symbol for the S&P/TSX Global Gold Index and is a modified market capitalization index of 19 precious metals mining companies with a minimum market capitalization of US$240 million with no component having a weight in the index greater or equal to 25%. The index is maintained by the S&P/TSX Canadian Index Committee and is calculated in Canadian dollars. The best way to invest in this index is via the iShares CDN Gold Sector Index ETF (XGD).

(GOX is the symbol of another popular gold and silver index called the CBOE Gold Miners Index but it is not included in this analysis as it is limited to only 11, almost exclusively large cap companies and, as such, is hardly representative of the precious metals mining sector as a whole.)

5. CDNX is the symbol for the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index. This largely overlooked index consists of 558 companies of which 63% are involved in either extracting natural resources from the ground or involved to some degree in the exploration and/or development of such resources. 44% of the companies are engaged in the mining, exploration and/or development of gold and/or silver and other mineral resources; 18% in oil or natural gas pursuits and 38% in non-resources operations.

As Scott Wright concluded in a May'08 article entitled ‘Junior Golds and CDNX' at zealllc dot com, “Since the CDNX is a junior equity exchange, and since mining is its heaviest-weighted sector, and since gold can be considered the driver of the mining stocks, is it too far-fetched to deduce that the CDNX is indeed a good, not perfect, proxy for the performance of junior gold stocks?” I agree!

Below the five indices are compared in detail as never before.

HUI XAU GDM/GDX SPTGD/XGD*** CDNX*** # Component Companies
15 16 31 19 558

% by Market Capitalization (# of Companies)**
Large Cap >6.0B*
80.1% (7) 82.5% (8) 72.1% (8) 77.6% (7) 0.0%
Med. Cap 1.5 -<6.0B*
19.4 (6) 15.1 (5) 22.1 (9) 18.7 (8) 0.0
Small Cap .3 - <1.5B*
0.3 (1) 2.4 (3) 5.4 (12) 3.7 (4) 0.8 (1)
Micro Cap <.3B
0.2 (1) 0.0 0.4 (2) 0.0 99.2 (557)
Average Market Cap:
$8.1B (15) $8.4B (16) $4.4B (31) $6.6B (19) $23.5M

% Weighting by Company (Mkt. Cap**)
Barrick Gold ($24.2B)*
12.4 19.0 11.0 19.6 NA
Goldcorp ($20.3B)*
14.6 15.2 10.4 16.5 NA
Newmont ($19.0B)*
10.2 14.4 9.0 15.4 NA
Kinross Gold ($10.3B)*
4.6 7.5 5.2 8.6 NA
Anglogold ($10.2B)*
5.5 7.6 5.4 6.7 NA
Freeport McMoRan($13.3B)*
0.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 NA
Agnico-Eagle ($7.3B)*
5.1 5.6 5.3 5.9 NA
Gold Fields ($6.4B)*
5.8 4.8 4.7 5.2 NA
Yamana Gold ($5.8B)*
5.8 4.4 5.3 4.6 NA
Harmony Gold ($4.7B)*
6.2 3.5 4.9 3.1 NA
Eldorado Gold ($3.0B)*
6.1 0.0 5.1 2.4 NA
Top 10 Company Total:
76.3% 90.3% 66.5% 88.0% NA

*U.S. Dollars
**NOTE: Market capitalization changes on a daily basis and the components of the various indexes change frequently as the market changes so it is important to note that the above information was as of March 4th/09. Accessing the hyperlinked references will provide you with current information.
*** Canadian Dollars

% Diversification of Resource by Market Capitalization
Gold (est.)
99.0% 92.0% 96.0% 100.0% (35.5%
Silver (est.)
0.6 5.0 4.0 0.0 (
Sub Total:
99.6 97.0 100.0 100.0 35.5
Other Mining (est.)
0.4 3.0* 0.0 0.0 21.3
Oil and Gas Exploration
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.2
* Primarily copper

There you have it and it tells it all! It is clearly evident from the above analysis that:

a) the HUI is a small-based and narrow index of companies engaged in the mining of gold (99.0%) in which the largest 5 companies account for 49.5% of the total index weight.

Conclusion: The HUI Index is best used to assess the trend of large and medium cap gold mining companies and should not be used to assess the trend of precious metals mining companies as a whole.

b) the XAU is also a small-based index of companies but engaged in both gold and silver mining. The largest 5 companies account for a full 64.5% of the total index.

Conclusion: The XAU Index is best used to assess the trend of large cap gold and silver mining companies but should not be used to assess the trend of the precious metals mining sector as a whole.

c) the GDM/GDX is a more broadly based index both in number of companies included, the products mined and in the diverse range of companies included (26% are large cap companies, 25% medium cap, 39% small and 6% micro). Indeed, the largest 5 companies only account for 41% of the total by index weight. The GDX also has the advantage of being easily traded.

Conclusion: The GDM Index is the best index to assess the trend of all but the smallest of precious metals mining companies. (See Adam Hamilton's albeit out-dated Dec.'07 article “GDX Gold-Stock ETF” at for additional insight on the GDX vis-à-vis the HUI and XAU).

d) the SPTGD/XGD is primarily an index of large cap gold mining companies in which the 5 largest components account for 66.8% of the total by index weight.

Conclusion: Since the XGD trades in Canadian dollars it should be used primarily by Canadian investors to track the trend of large cap gold mining stocks and not to assess the trend of the precious metals mining sector as a whole.

e) the CDNX is an extremely broadly based and diverse index of micro-cap companies of which almost 57% are primarily involved in the exploration and development of a diverse variety of natural resources. The remaining 43% of the 558 companies are also in the development stage of operations and, as such, are competing for the same pool of financing and management acumen as the natural resource companies to make their operations viable and prosperous.

Conclusion: The CDNX Index is an excellent proxy for assessing the health, performance and trend of the junior mining sector as a whole and micro-cap companies in general.

The next time you read an article in which someone is claiming that one of the indexes discussed here is revealing this or that about the trend of precious metals mining stocks (and usually gold stocks in particular) you will be in a position to know whether you are being given biased or informed advice and be able to take action accordingly.

‘No Bias, No Bull' (with an acknowledgement to Campbell Brown and her CNN program of the same name) is the type of information every successful investor wants to read. I trust this first of three articles on investing in gold mining shares (and warrants) helps you to make informed decisions in the precious metals mining sector.

About the Author:
Lorimer Wilson is an economic/financial analyst and commentator who has written numerous articles (do a Google search for details). He is a Contributing Editor to and contributor to a large number of other precious metals, financial, economic, investment and op/ed sites. He can be contacted at


Why does technical analysis work?

By Zoran Kolundzic

Technical analysis describes different ways of predicting the future of the stock/futures market based on its history. Unfortunately, technical analysis is not an exact science. Many prominent scientists label it as "voodoo science".

They claim that due to market efficiency, if you use TA to find your entry positions, you're no better off than someone who chooses those positions randomly.

Market efficiency means that all the available information is already calculated in the stock prices, and that you can only guess how the price will behave in the future.

The "voodoo science" theory would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that there is a significant number of traders who are able to consistently make profits in the stock/futures market. These traders use technical analysis as their main tool. Since any trader has or can have access to the same TA tools we have to ask how can a small group of traders consistently win and the other larger group, more or less consistently lose in the stock market game. What is it that winning traders know about technical analysis that gives them the upper hand?

The answer is simple: Technical Analysis works but not necessarily for the reason most people believe. Many successful traders don't want to share this secret. TA works because many people use it, and successful traders are able to predict how other people will react on the different TA indicators and signals. In other words, while the losing traders are using TA to determine their trades, the winning traders are winning because they know how the losers are going to react based on this data. For example, when a price goes below one of the key moving averages, (MA's) many investors sell that instrument to protect themselves against additional losses. By doing so, they will drive the price of that instrument lower and that will prompt some traders to start short selling that instrument in anticipation of further decline. Prices continue the downward trend, forcing traders who were long on that stock to sell their positions because it is going below their stop limits. This creates a domino effect as the price continues to decline. However, at this point, successful traders realize that most of the current price action was created artificially. They start to enter positions on the buy side and more often than not price starts to reverse. The losing traders have already sold their contracts based on the TA tools. The winning traders buy the contract because they understand that the fluctuation was temporary, and they seize the opportunity based on the losing trader's reactions.

No TA tool by itself will give you reliable buy or sell signals. There is no Holy Grail or magic black box that will give you the perfect, accurate signal. However, the combining of the right group of TA indicators with discipline and adequate trading capital has been the road to fortune for many traders. There is no reason why you cannot emulate their success. Let's take a look at an example.

Understanding Pivot Points

Pivot Points are those price levels that are most likely to act as levels of support and resistance on any given trading day. As we already know, Technical Analysis works because many people use it.

For the same reason, the most influential pivot points are those that are used by majority of traders.

The most widely used formula for calculating pivot points is as follows:

H = previous day's high
L = previous day's low
C = previous day's close

Pivot Point = (H + L + C)/3
Resistance = 2*PP - L
Support = 2*PP - H
Previous day's last two hour high = L2HrHigh
Previous day's last two hour low = L2HrLow

When the price moves through the known pivot point on increased volume it is most likely to continue current trend, and if the price hits the known pivot point but is unable to move through it is most likely to reverse the current trend.

Figure above is a 5-minute candlestick chart for S&P 500 E-mini contract and you can observe how the Pivot Point was acting as a major support line throughout the trading day.

When the advancing/declining price is not able to move through the known pivot point after two or more tries there is a good probability that it will start to decline/advance. Trading method in which a trader is waiting for a price to reverse after hitting S/R level is called swing trading. On the other hand if the advancing/declining price has easily moved through known S/R level there is a good probability that it will continue to advance/decline. Trading method in which a trader is looking for a price to continue to move in the same direction after moving through S/R level is called breakout trading.
To read more about Zoran Kolundzic course click here...

Good Trading

By Zoran Kolundzic


Fibonacci Trading Techniques

May 2004
by Neal Hughes

Leonardo Pisano (nickname Fibonacci) was a mathematician, born in 1170, in Pisa (now Italy). His father was Guilielmo, of the Bonacci family. His father was a diplomat, as a result Fibonacci was educated in North Africa, where he learned "accounting" and "mathematics".

Fibonacci also contributed to the science of numbers, and introduced the "Fibonacci sequence"

The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, introduced in his work "Liber abaci" in a problem involving the growth of a population of rabbits.

Aside from this sequence of number where every next number is the sum of the proceeding two, 0, 1 (0+1), 2 (1+1), 3 (2+1), 5 (3+2), 8 (5+3), 13 (8+5), etc.

There are the "Fibonacci ratios".. By comparing the relationship between each number, and each alternate number, and even each number to the one four places to the right, we arrive at some fairly consistent ratios.. The important ones are .236, 50, .382, .618, .764, 1.382, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236, and for good measure we include 1.00 ..

It turns out that the ratios are mathematical principles prevalent in nature around us, and is also in man-made objects. There are many interesting, entertaining, and poetic observations about Fibonacci numbers and ratios in the universe (see the reference section below). Fibonacci numbers appear in ancient buildings, in plants, planets, molecules, the dimensions of human bodies, and of course snails… But of what use is all that to the lowly trader?

What really interests you, the application of Fibonacci techniques in the trading environment..

Traders usually study charts! Fibonacci ratios may be applied to the Price scale, and also to the time scale of charts. I study the price scale. My focus here will be on the price scale for now, perhaps in the future I'll add some time-scale studies.

Prices never move in a straight line. Look at any chart, you will see many wiggles, as price advances and retraces.. Stocks, Futures, Forex, all instruments which are liquid, will often retrace in Fibonacci proportions, and advance in Fibonacci proportions. Not always, and not precisely to the penny. But very often, and reasonably close! This happens often enough that profitable trades can result. I will show you some examples below.

I used Fibonacci ratios with a few simple indicators to help determine probable price turning points, optimum entry, exit and stop-loss levels. My complete techniques are available in on-line video seminars, in-person seminars, and via my real-time on-line chat facility. For more details, see the following web page:

The application of Fibonacci to trading can be very complex, and take much time and experience to perfect. Many traders enjoy making the process as difficult and as complex as they can tolerate.. I do the opposite, I try to simplify, try to bring clarity.

Fibonacci example - Microsoft Weekly chart.
This lesson demonstrates a very basic way to use Fibonacci levels. You just read about Fibonacci ratios. We will use just one of those ratios for now, the .382 Fibonacci ratio. In this chart MSFT made a high of (approximately) $59.97 in December of 1999. After that, it moved down to make a low of $30.19 in May of 2000.

The down move was $29.78 (59.97-30.19), quite a substantial amount.

Projecting from that low in May, and using a Fibonacci ratio, we can calculate 29.78*.382=$11.37 . So 38.2% of 29.78 is 11.37 . If MSFT were to rally 38.2% of the down-move it would reach $41.57 (11.37+30.20). I'm using rounded numbers in my calculations, the chart above calculates it to be $41.564, we don't need that degree of accuracy!

Several weeks later, MSFT rallied and resisted right near that .382 Fibonacci level !!

So we were able to predict a future probable turning point (after the low of May 2000), using the Fibonacci ratio of .382!! If only it were always so easy.

The steps involved are:

  1. Calculate the total value of a significant price-move (high to low, or vice-versa).
  2. Calculate a Fibonacci retracement (in this case .382) of the prior move.
  3. Look for price to confirm, by resisting (or support in an up-move) near that predicted retracement area.

Fibonacci example - Microsoft Daily chart.
This chart shows how a different Fibonacci level (61.8%) predicted resistance and a market turn.

Notice how the market behaved at the .382 level (30.80 area). Initially the market spiked through, then fell back to that level (late October). We cannot expect a chart to retrace at every Fib level. We can expect some support/resistance as buyers/sellers enter the market at these levels, but we can't always predict whether the market will actually turn at any particular level. Fibonacci techniques are used to alert you to a possible trade, if that price level does cause support or resistance. These techniques are not used as a trigger for entry. Other indicators are used in conjunction with Fibonacci studies to provide higher-probability entries..

As mentioned before, there are several Fib levels, .236, 50, .382, .618, .764, 1.382, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236, and 1.00 .. So there are several places to look for a market turn. They can be calculated in advance, but trading blindly at a fib level can be dangerous, because you never know for certain (in advance) whether the market will turn at any particular Fib level. I use other indicators to help overcome that problem, click here to learn how to determine which Fib ratio is likely to be strong enough to turn the market.

Important notes from this lesson:

  1. There are several Fib levels.
  2. It takes some skill to determine which Fib level is likely to cause the market to turn.
  3. There are some techniques to help you determine where a market is more likely to turn.
  4. Do not blindly anticipate a market turn at a Fib level.

More Fibonacci examples.

QQQ Weekly chart with a deep retracement to .618 and a weak attempt to rally after that. However, consider the daily chart and intraday traders. they would have enjoyed the rally from $75 to $100, after going long from a support level that could have been predicted in March!

QQQ daily chart. Multiple Fib levels timing the market perfectly in 3 consecutive waves up!

Intraday chart, QQQ 30-minute. Notice the two market Fib retracements (there are others in this chart too).. The rally from 29.26 stopped at 31.10, then it supported **twice** at 30.39, for two good scalps. The next highlighted Fib support is at a retracement of .618 from the move up 30.47 to 32.49 .. Both of these support levels were predictable before the market supported there.. Hint:--- See how the rally continued after the shallow retracement to 30.39 ... See how the rally after the deeper retracement to .618 near 31.25 was a weaker rally.. This is common, a deeper retracement often foretells a weaker rally... See the next lesson in the table of contents for more on these advanced Fibonacci trading principles.

Another intraday chart, S&P 5-minute.. The first Fib retracement is on a bearish move, an opportunity to short. The second is bullish, with a long entry near 999.25 .. Note that popular charting software will calculate Fibonacci to rediculous precision, we don't need anything closer than one tick! Actually, you should allow some room don't expect precision every time. Allow the trade some room to develop, or you will be stopped out too often.

More Advanced - Microsoft Daily chart.
By now you're probably quite interested, perhaps applying all those Fibonacci ratios to many charts.. You should experiment with your own charts. As long as the instrument traded has a lot of liquidity (not a penny stock for example), you should start to see Fib support and resistance at work. You will start to notice that Fibonacci levels "work" sometimes and not others. Sometimes the trades are not profitable, or are less profitable than others. You need to develop the skills required to select better trades.
In this mini-lesson I want to show you how to evaluate price action based on which Fib levels it responds to, and how the market behaves immediately preceding the Fib support/resistance.

The chart below actually has many Fibonacci levels "performing well", providing support or resistance to the market. I want you to focus on the two that I have identified, for the purposes of this lesson.

The first up-move that I have identified topped out at $26.90, and then retraced 61.8% before supporting at that Fib level. There was a pause at the .382 level, but it was not sufficient to hold the market. Now look at the rally from the support level near .618, it rallied but did not exceed the prior high of 26.90 … As a general rule, a retracement to .618 or below indicates that the preceding up-move is losing steam. A shallow retracement which supports at .382 is more likely to rally beyond the prior high than one which has a deep retracement beyond .50 all the way to .618 ..

The impressive thrust from 22.55 up to 26.90 was negated by a quick move back to .618 at about 24.20, so a trader should not be too optimistic about a continuation of the initial up-thrust.

Similarly, the move up in June, from 23.50 to almost 26.50 would also not inspire much optimism for a huge rally above the high of 26.50 … In general a shallow support at .382 would indicate a probable rally beyond the prior high. However, if the up-move preceding the retracement was sluggish rather than thrusting, you also should temper your enthusiasm.

If the second rally which only retraced to .382 had the thrust of the first rally, it would be a more attractive trade!

These are not firm rules, instead they are used as a guide, to help you filter for better trades. Every Fib level is not equal, some are more attractive than others.

Important notes from this lesson:

  1. Not all Fib levels are alike.
  2. No technical study is perfect, you must develop the skills to filter out bad trades, and improve the odds of finding better trades.
  3. Price action just before a Fib retracement can tell you something about the future.
  4. Which Fib level causes the end of a retracement also can give a hint to future price action.
  5. No technical study is perfect, you must develop the skills to filter out bad trades, and improve the odds of finding better trades.

You can learn more about Neal and his video course by clicking here.

Good Trading

Best Regards
Neal Hughes
Website -
Email -


Forex 1-2-3 Method

August 2004
by Mark Mc Rae

This particular technique has been around for a long time and I first saw it used in the futures market.

Since then I have seen traders using it on just about every market and when applied well, can give amazingly accurate entry levels.

Lets first start with the basic concept. During the course of any trend, either up or down, the market will form little peaks and valleys. see the chart below:

The problem is, how do you know when to enter the market and where do you get out. This is where the 1-2-3 method comes in. First let's look at a typical 1-2-3 set up:

Nice and simple, but it still doesn't tell us if we should take the trade. For this we add an indictor. You could use just about any indictor with this method but my preferred indictor is MACD with the standard settings of 12,26,9. With the indictor added, it now looks like this:

Now here is where it gets interesting. The rules for the trade are as follows:


  1. This works best as a reversal pattern so identify a previous downtrend.
  2. Wait for the MACD to signal a buy and for the 1-2-3 set up to
    be in place.
  3. As the market pulls back to point 3, the MACD should remain in
    buy mode or just slightly dip into sell.
  4. Place a buy entry order 1 pip above point 2
  5. Place a stop loss order 1 pip below point 3
  6. Measure the distance between point 2 and 3 and project that
    forward for your exit.
  7. Point 2, should not be lower than point 1

The reverse is true for short trades. As the market progresses you can trail your stop to 1 pip below the most recent low (Valley in an uptrend). You can also use a break in a trend line as an exit.

Some examples:

There are a lot of variations on the 1-2-3 setup but the basic concept is always the same. Try experimenting with it on your favorite time frame.

Good Trading

Best Regards
Mark McRae

Information, charts or examples contained in this lesson are for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot offer investment advice. For further information please read our disclaimer.


Forex and Foreign Exchange - Trading with Strategy

May 2004
by Nicholas H. Bang

Trading successfully is by no means a simple matter. It requires time, market knowledge and market understanding and a large amount of self restraint. ACM does not manage accounts, nor does it give market advice, that is the job of money managers and introducing brokers.

As market professionals, we can however point the novice in the right direction and indicate what are correct trading tactics and considerations and what is total nonsense.

Anyone who says you can consistently make money in foreign exchange markets is being untruthful.

Foreign exchange by nature, is a volatile market. The practice of trading it by way of margin increases that volatility exponentially. We are therefore talking about a very 'fast market' which is naturally inconsistent. Following that precept, it is logical to say that in order to make a successful trade, a trader has to take into account technical and fundamental data and make an informed decision based on his perception of market sentiment and market expectation. Timing a trade correctly is probably the most important variable in trading successfully but invariably there will be times where a traders' timing will be off. Don't expect to generate returns on every trade.

Let's enumerate what a trader needs to do in order to put the best chances for profitable trades on his side:

Trade with money you can afford to lose:
Trading fx markets is speculative and can result in loss, it is also exciting, exhilarating and can be addictive. The more you are 'involved with your money' the harder it is to make a clear-headed decision. Money you have earned is precious, but money you need to survive should never be traded.

Identify the state of the market:
What is the market doing? Is it trending upwards, downwards, is it in a trading range. Is the trend strong or weak, did it begin long ago or does it look like a new trend that's forming. Getting a clear picture of the market situation is laying the groundwork for a successful trade.

Determine what time frame you're trading on:
Many traders get in the market without thinking when they would like to get out, after all the goal is to make money. This is true but when trading, one must extrapolate in his mind's eye the movement that one expects to happen. Within this extrapolation, resides a price evolution during a certain period of time. Attached to this is the idea of exit price. The importance of this is to mentally put your trade in perspective and although it is clearly impossible to know exactly when you will exit the market, it is important to define from the outset if you'll be 'scalping' (trying to get a few points off the market) trading intra-day, or going longer term

This will also determine what chart period you're looking at. If you trade many times a day, there's no point basing your technical analysis on a daily graph, you'll probably want to analyse 30 minute or hour graphs. Additionally it is important to know the different time periods when various financial centers enter and exit the market as this creates more or less volatility and liquidity and can influence market movements.

Time your trade:
You can be right about a potential market movement but be too early or too late when you enter the trade. Timing considerations are twofold, an expected market figure like CPI, retail sales or a federal reserve decision can consolidate a movement that's already underway. Timing your move means knowing what's expected and taking into account all considerations before trading. Technical analysis can help you identify when and at what price a move may occur. We will look at technical analysis in more detail later.

If in doubt, stay out:
If you're unsure about a trade and find you're hesitating, stay on the sidelines.

Trade logical transaction sizes:
Margin trading allows the fx trader a very large amount of leverage, trading at full margin capacity (in ACM's case 1% or 0.5%) can make for some very large profits or losses on an account. Scaling your trades so that you may re-enter the market or make transactions on other currencies is generally wiser. In short, don't trade amounts that can potentially wipe you out and don't put all your eggs in one basket. ACM offers the same rates regardless of transaction sizes so a customer has nothing to lose by starting small.

Gauge market sentiment:
Market sentiment is what most of the market is perceived to be feeling about the market and therefore what it is doing or will do. This is basically about trend. You may have heard the term 'the trend is your friend', this basically means that if you're in the right direction with a strong trend you will make successful trades. This of course is very simplistic, a trend is capable of reversal at any time. Technical and fundamental data can indicate however if the trend has begun long ago and if it is strong or weak.

Market expectation:
Market expectation relates to what most people are expecting as far as upcoming news is concerned. If people are expecting an interest rate to rise and it does, then there usually will not be much of a movement because the information will already have been 'discounted' by the market, alternatively if the adverse happens, markets will usually react violently.

Use what other traders use:
In a perfect world, every trader would be looking at a 14 day RSI and making trading decisions based on that. If that was the case, when RSI would go under the 30 level, everyone would buy and by consequence the price would rise. Needless to say, the world is not perfect and not all market participants follow the same technical indicators, draw the same trendlines and identify the same support & resistance levels. The great diversity of opinions and techniques used translates directly into price diversity. Traders however have a tendency to use a limited variety of technical tools. The most common are 9 and 14 day RSI, obvious trendlines and support levels, fibonnacci retracement, MACD and 9, 20 & 40 day exponential moving averages. The closer you get to what most traders are looking at, the more precise your estimations will be. The reason for this is simple arithmetic, larger numbers of buyers than sellers at a certain price will move the market up from that price and vice-versa.

Information, charts or examples contained in this lesson are for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot offer investment advice. For further information please read our disclaimer.


E-currency Exchange Trading

by: Tim Rohrer
I have searched high and low and tried MLM's such as Market America, Quixstar, Trek Alliance and Amway. The business idea works, however people need to sell products and build their downline to be successful. I hated the idea of trying to convince people that Market America, Quixstar and all the other MLM's worked. In fact, that was the hardest thing to do was to convince somebody that these MLM's worked!

I have finally found a system that involves no selling, no downline and and garunteed profits with a little learning involved. I thought this couldn't be true, I actually don't have to sell something and didn't have to build a downline!

Let me explain how it works. There are hundreds of companies on the internet that deal with electronnic funds, such as Netpay, PayPal and INTgold. Currency exchanging is relatively unknown but incredibly lucrative business opportunity. While Currencies are traded all over the world (like with Forex), there are both US-based and offshore trading houses that need your flow of dollars to facilitate their business operations.

This is where you,"The Merchant" comes in. By making funds temporarily avaliable to the Global Exchange Network creates float. The company we work with is able to borrow against this dollar amount and the commissions come back to us. The funds you lend to the network are typically returned in a 24 to 36 hour time frame. For example, by pushing $100 in INTGold to another person in exchange you recieve a fee of $3.50. This process takes about 30 seconds. When the funds come back into your account you make another $1. $4.50 isn't bad for something that takes 15 seconds to do. There are other ways to cycle this money back through the system and reinvest profits to your bottom line. On top of building float, your investment is compounded daily and you easily make gains of .35% off of your investment per day. How much is that? Well if you invested $100 that would be 35 cents per day profits. Now imagine when your investment grows to $1000 and $5000.... even $10,000 your daily profits are easily $35 per day. Remember the best part about this is that is compounded daily!

How much can you start with? You can start with as little as $25.00 I recommend a few hundred dollars until you get to know the system and become more comfortable with the exchange network.

I learned the e-currency exchange network through a group of friends online. It is extremely difficult trying to learn how to do this sitting in chat rooms and reading posts. I finally gave in and purchased a guide that literally enabled me to double my investment in under a month. I am very pleased with my results and I can now kiss those MLM's that require downline building and selling goodbye forever!

About the author:
If you would like to inquire more information about e-currency exchange visit our website at

If you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail us at I am very down to earth and would not have any problems speaking to you personally if you request a phone call through our support e-mail.


Please don't hesitate. Take a look at this opportunity, I can garuntee as long as follow the steps to invest properly you will not be sorry!

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by: Jinky C. Mesias
There really is no doubting the impact of Information Technology on our lives. And a significant example of this is the application of ecommerce in business. Conducting business transactions has been changed to a great extent. Just what are ecommerce or e-commerce solutions? Ecommerce or e-commerce is the purchasing or selling of goods or services as well as the transfer of funds in any way by means of electronic communications in inter-company and intra-company business dealings. Moreover, ecommerce solution is also a key to conduct business by means of technology through the internet. There are actually four types of ecommerce existing today and these are the following: business to consumer ecommerce, business to business ecommerce, consumer to business ecommerce and the consumer to consumer ecommerce.

The business to consumer ecommerce involves businesses selling products and services to various individual customers. This kind of ecommerce is also known as online trading and auctions. On the other hand, the business to business ecommerce involves the transactions commencing between companies in which they sell to other businesses. This type of ecommerce also includes a transfer of well thought-out messages with other business partners over private networks or internet in order to create and transform business processes. Moreover, the business to business ecommerce is deemed toward the improvement as well as the simplification of the various business processes inside a company. This type of ecommerce is also geared toward the maximization of the efficiency when it comes to the many transactions that a company engages into. Likewise, the business to business ecommerce is designed to achieve a quicker and flawless transaction that is controlled. Aside from that, business to business ecommerce is also effective in maintaining limited inventory as well as efficient enough to perform product refill and many more.

The consumer to business ecommerce is actually considered an unusual internet trend. Examples for this type of ecommerce are those individuals who for example are looking for hotels but have limited budget. What they do is that they place an ad on the internet saying that they are looking for a hotel at a rate that are just within their budget and then they also place there their contact numbers or email addresses if ever some hotels are interested. This example simply shows the marvelous capability of the internet to bring people together and create a cyber market wherein various people can transact their business.

On the other hand, the consumer to consumer ecommerce is considered to be the internet’s equivalent of an advertising market. This is where individual web users are allowed to put their ad for other consumers to react to. The advantage of this type of ecommerce is that people are able to save on advertising and then their ads are much faster and are easily reached by an unlimited number of customers like themselves.

About the author:
Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spends most of her time reading and writing poetry.

For comments and suggestions about the article kindly visit web placements

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DEALING in NOTEBOOKS Is Like A Dream Come True

by: Harry S Richards
The huge advantages of starting a business dealing in laptops are not always appreciated but consider the following points . . .

Laptops/Notebooks are easy to store. It is possible to operate the business from a single room. In fact we know a guy who stores a number of them under his bed. He says he can store up to twenty laptops with hardly any loss of room space.

Laptops/Notebooks are always available from liquidation merchants and other specialist trade sources at prices which allow good reseller profit margins. It is a cash-doubler business for those we know who are quietly operating this business from a home base.

For a completely free list of notebook wholesalers and liquidation merchants go to for Europe. In USA go to

Laptops/Notebooks are easy to pack to sell by Mail Order. Take up to four under your arm to your local Post Office and using standard parcel rates and insurance the cost to fulfil orders will be a pittance compared to the profit potential.

However, unless working from a cramped room, be professional and send the order by Courier Service, after all, the profit margin is HUGE enough to allow for a "Free Delivery Service".

Recently sourced laptops/notebooks from a repo-liquidation reseller allowed for a mark-up ratio of 150 percent and it doesn't stretch the imagination to calculate how much could be made each week from just a couple of re-sales that allows you to double your investment on each transaction.

There are of course warranties to be considered and how to deal with any faulty returns.

Those were concerns I had myself in the beginning. However, I found an easy way to resolve those issues to everyone's satisfaction. It was so simple, just make a complete replacement and send the faulty one back to the supplier. Within the past year I have only needed to do that three times which equates to a very small percentage of total sales volume.

Here's hoping you'll give it a try and if so I would love to get some feedback from you - please let me know what you think of the business anyway, your thoughts are always welcome.

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave the author's copyright in place and the links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed below.

About the author:
Article by Harry S Richards. Founder of Beauforts PC Trading. Training others for business based upon his own successful methods: http://www.beauforts.bizHarry also edits a unique Trading MART at

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Day Trading – The Ultimate Work-From-Home Job?

by: Harvey Walsh
Ever dreamt of giving up the daily grind? Want to strike out on your own and work from home, but don’t know what you could possibly do to make a living? Full time Nasdaq trader Harvey Walsh wondered just that, and now he asks “Is day trading the ultimate work from home job”?

We’ve probably all had the same thought at some time or another, as we trudge off towards another day at work – the same work we’ve been doing day in day out for years – “surely there has to be a better way?” Slaving away to make somebody else rich just doesn’t seem right somehow, but what alternative? Setting up a new business, or buying an established one, are both expensive and risky prospects. So how can the disenchanted employee ever hope to make the switch from wage-slave to total independence?

Those are thoughts I had almost every day, before I quit the safety of full time employment and decided to strike out on my own. I asked myself the same question day in and day out; surely there has to be a better way. What about the internet, I wondered, isn’t that supposed to be bringing new and exciting opportunities to all? I researched a lot of so-called work-from-home opportunities that promised untold riches, apparently mine for the taking just by sitting in front of my PC. Needless to say, in reality those schemes turned out to be about as fulfilling as, well, filling envelopes for a living. No, I knew there had to be another way – something real – something where I could be in control of my own destiny.

And then one morning on the train to work, I read about a couple of Wall Street boys who had struck it rich thanks to some huge bonuses, and were now going it alone setting up their own day trading shop. That was when I discovered day trading, and I realised that this was exactly the opportunity I had been searching for. I decided there and then that I was going to make a full time living from the stock markets, whatever it took to succeed.

The advantages of day trading as a job are numerous to say the least; there is no boss to answer to, no customers to satisfy, no suppliers to let you down, no waiting for invoices to be paid, I could go on. In fact, I will: trading is a location-independent activity – I can work from anywhere with an internet connection, which effectively means anywhere in the world with a telephone line. I regularly trade from my laptop whilst travelling. I can trade when I feel like it, and take time off when I like, which means I can spend quality time with my family.

Now let’s get this straight, trading can be a risky activity, there is no doubt about that. So is driving a car to work, but the risks of getting from A to B on four wheels are well understood and are managed accordingly, to the point where we don’t think twice about getting behind the wheel. And in the same way, provided a trader is disciplined in their approach to the job at hand, and understands the associated risks of the work, so those risks can be managed.

On the subject of risk, day trading is almost unique in that it can be learnt and practised with absolutely no financial risk at all, by means of paper-trading – that is - trading using freely available simulation software. Thus in the same way a trainee airline pilot won’t be let loose into the skies without having learnt and rehearsed their skills in a simulator, so a new trader can employ the same technique before they start trading real money. I “sim-traded” before I gave up the day-job; it made it easy to leave the safety-net of a monthly pay check knowing from my simulated trading sessions that I could already make money in the markets.

And that brings me to the most satisfying aspect of trading for a living; money. On an average day trading the Nasdaq, it is not unusual to make more money in a couple of hours than I used to make in a whole month working full time as a wage-slave. There are bad days of course, days where things just don’t work out, but they pale into insignificance over the course of a week or a month. It certainly took some intensive studying and a lot of practise before becoming a consistently profitable trader. But the end result of that hard work is an immensely valuable life skill that nobody can take away, and which allows for incredible freedom.

Since I first started trading, the learning curve has become even easier for the aspiring day trader, with a multitude of new websites, training courses, and books all covering the subject. I envy anyone starting out in this business today – they certainly have many more learning aids available to them than I had at the same point in my own career.

So is day trading the ultimate work-from-home job? No. I firmly believe it’s the ultimate work-from ANYWHERE job!

About the author:
Harvey Walsh is a full time Nasdaq day trader, and part time trading tutor. He trades from his home, or indeed wherever he happens to be when travelling. He can be contacted via his website:

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Customer Relationship Management

by: Richard D S Hill
Changing consumer attitudes are driving Customer Relationship Management. Fuelled by Internet induced expectations and an even increasing mood of self reliance among customers, companies have to compete in an environment where communication, buying processes, data management, delivery and service are all-important in the battle for longterm, profitable relationships.

Customers now require:

- Control over the buying process (information, comparison,
selection, easy to find, use and respond to)

- The best possible price (including delivery, and without
compromise to brand or product quality)

- The quickest, slickest delivery system (preferably free)

- All payment options (secure)

- Communications designed to suit the particular need
(computerised; complex; caring)

The above apply whatever the form of trading:

- Direct
- Traditional
- Retail
- E-commerce
- Wholesale
- Combination

These attitudes combined with the development of new technology and the growing convergence of a number of 'new - new' and 'emerging - new' communications and distribution technologies such as:

- 'Fixed link' telephony and telemarketing
- Internet and VOIP
- Mobile telephony, SMS etc.
- Digital TV, Cable, Satellite

is leading to an increasing focus on Customer Relationship Management by all types of organisations, as they realise that technological change allows them to re-organise the way that they manage customer relationships and make them more profitable.

Organisations are searching for something far more holistic, consistent and yet dynamic.

To achieve that and a sustainable competitive advantage in Customer Relationship Management means working with the management team, staff and suppliers of the company, where reasonable and cost effective using technology (e.g. intranet, extranet) to help to deliver the actions necessary to maximise performance.

One must:

- Define profitable market sectors and customers
- Understand customers needs and expectations
- Identify profitable product and service propositions
- Create effective, efficient, adaptable, cost effective

Customer Relationship Management is: the customer focussed management of the whole relationship with each customer, in order to measure, create and increase income and reduce costs for each customer and customer segment and thus to generate greater positive lifetime value across the portfolio.

Customer Relationship Management requires the organisation to know the answers to questions such as:

- Which of my customers are profitable or unprofitable?

- Do I know their lifetime value?

- Which of my products and services are they buying and not

- Have I measured customers' purchase behaviour patterns, their
loyalty/retention/repeat purchase and multiple product

- What channel preferences do customers have?

- Who are my most profitable customers and what is their
ranking/grouping by risk, by product service grouping, by
profit, and by revenue?

- What strategies can I use to improve a customer's
profitability profile?

It also requires the organisation to deliver customer value. Customers must feel that
the organisation:

- ‘Understands what I want’
- ‘Communicates with me’
- ‘Provides me with added value’
- ‘Gives me reasons not to switch’
- ‘Treats me as an individual’

To achieve these answers Customer Relationship Management requires focus on both sides of the equation:

- Customer Communications Management
- Process Quality Management

and on three key delivery mechanisms, those of:

- Proposition
- Processes
- People

To be fully effective at Customer Relationship Management an organisation has to position the business unit or enterprise (proposition, processes and people) so that the customer is as the centre of their business. True Customer Relationship Management means that the business has streamlined customer management through the integration of all customer 'touch points', such as marketing, customer service and payment in such a way that true customer satisfaction and loyalty appear to occur effortlessly.

Customer Relationship Management is not a 'fad' it is a business philosophy that helps to increase revenue, reduce costs and to build and retain a loyal customer base.

About the author:
Richard Hill is a director of E-CRM Solutions and has spent many years in seniordirect and interactive marketing roles. E-CRM you to grow by getting you more customers that stay with you longer. We provide practical solutions that pay for themselves. We help you to make sure that your marketing works.

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Comments on Forex Trading Account Sizes, Lots and Margin Calls.

by: Adrian Pablo
Forex trading is one of the best business opportunities you can think of joining these days. No other market in the world allows the “Leverage” that the profitable world of currency-trading does. Leverage is all about margin trading. In the Forex market, it is essentially the ratio of the amount used in a trade to the required security deposit needed, by the particular broker you chose to use, for that trade.

Normally, for most brokerages, a margin deposit of just $1,000 allows you to control a $100,000 position in the Forex market. That's 100:1 leverage, or 1%. Or, said in a different way, a “regular full-sized account”, sometimes referred to as a 100k account, allows you to trade with lot sizes equal to $100,000. Each lot is worth $100,000 in currency. So It would only require $1,000 to trade one lot.

This great feature in Forex trading is what makes this market the hottest market to trade in right now. The Forex broker has given you a loan of $99,000 dollars secured only by your $1,000! This is a huge loan and, as you may know by now, this is what allows traders to make extraordinary incomes in this market. And, as you also are probably used to hearing , "leverage is a two-edged sword" , it is what can cause you to lose a lot of money if you trade without rules or Stop-loss orders.

But just as an example, let's say you were a person that likes to trade with reckless abandon, i.e., with no strategy, no common sense, no money- management principles, etc. That’s never recommended for anyone, but being a Forex trader has such great advantages, that even someone with a trading mind like the one described before, will never lose more than what he has placed into a trade.

Unlike Futures (Commodity Trading), the market that most people associate with High leverage, you can never have a debit balance when trading Forex.

So, despite the greater leverage associated with FX trading, it is still arguably less risky than futures trading. Futures markets are often prone to sudden and dramatic moves, against which you can’t protect yourself, even by trading with protective stops. Your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you’ll be liable for any resulting deficit in the account. But because of the Forex markets great liquidity and 24-hour, continuous trading, dangerous trading gaps and limit moves are very unprobable. Orders are executed quickly, without slippage or partial fills, which is just great.

And as it was not enough, there are no margin calls, for your protection, the forex broker's trading platform will automatically close out some or all of your open positions if your account equity, meaning the total floating value of the account, falls below the level required to hold the positions. Think of this as a final, automatic stop, always working on your behalf to prevent a debit balance.

About the author:
Adrian Pablo; Forex trader and freelance writer.

You can download a free Fibonacci trading report at his website:

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Business card printing: At your service!

by: Marlon D. Ludovice
Trading of business cards in the business industry is a common and normal practice usually among business owners and corporate executives. This process is one of the marketing tools that show the front line image of every business entities. The cards are being used to create the first contact with the existing customers and the target market at the same time.

It is very important for a business card to achieve printing results that will produce cards that are creative and practical in terms of getting you the inexpensive full color effect. But usually we find it hard to choose what type of services does our business card needs.

Taking consideration of the services offered by different print shops in town, try to prefer the one that have a digital art studio which has extensive graphic design process and printing equipment that are technologically savvy. With this service, it ensures to provide you outputs at the soonest time possible. Thus, from traditional offset printing services to custom printing services, you can rely on the benefits that digital printing technology can provide.

Premium materials are also needed to achieve the desire quality output for your cards. Don’t just settle for a cheaper printing cost if the quality of your business card is compromised. Be wise to pick for the right commercial printing company to do the job for you. Of course professional service of a well-trained team is a vital component for the realization of good and effective business cards. Lot of skills and knowledge are required to accomplish such quality and creative works.

These are but among the few services a commercial printing company offers. Make sure that when you choose the service of a printing company; remember that you are not only to prefer the quality and affordability of the job but most importantly the excellence and perfection it will give for your business card!

About the author:
For additional information and comments about the article you may log on to

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Pivot Point Trading by Mark Mc Rae

by Mark McRae

You are going to love this lesson. Using pivot points as a trading strategy has been around for a long time and was originally used by floor traders. This was a nice simple way for floor traders to have some idea of where the market was heading during the course of the day with only a few simple calculations.

The pivot point is the level at which the market direction changes for the day. Using some simple arithmetic and the previous days high, low and close, a series of points are derived. These points can be critical support and resistance levels. The pivot level, support and resistance levels calculated from that are collectively known as pivot levels.

Every day the market you are following has an open, high, low and a close for the day (some markets like forex are 24 hours but generally use 5pm EST as the open and close). This information basically contains all the data you need to use pivot points.

The reason pivot points are so popular is that they are predictive as opposed to lagging. You use the information of the previous day to calculate potential turning points for the day you are about to trade (present day).

Because so many traders follow pivot points you will often find that the market reacts at these levels. This give you an opportunity to trade.

Before I go into how you calculate pivot points, I just want to point out that I have put an online calculator and a really neat desktop version that you can download for free HERE

If you would rather work the pivot points out by yourself, the formula I use is below:

Resistance 3 = High + 2*(Pivot - Low)
Resistance 2 = Pivot + (R1 - S1)
Resistance 1 = 2 * Pivot - Low
Pivot Point = ( High + Close + Low )/3
Support 1 = 2 * Pivot - High
Support 2 = Pivot - (R1 - S1)
Support 3 = Low - 2*(High - Pivot)

As you can see from the above formula, just by having the previous days high, low and close you eventually finish up with 7 points, 3 resistance levels, 3 support levels and the actual pivot point.

If the market opens above the pivot point then the bias for the day is long trades. If the market opens below the pivot point then the bias for the day is for short trades.

The three most important pivot points are R1, S1 and the actual pivot point.

The general idea behind trading pivot points are to look for a reversal or break of R1 or S1. By the time the market reaches R2,R3 or S2,S3 the market will already be overbought or oversold and these levels should be used for exits rather than entries.

This gave us:

Resistance 3 = 1.2377
Resistance 2 = 1.2337
Resistance 1 = 1.2293
Pivot Point = 1.2253
Support 1 = 1.2209
Support 2 = 1.2169
Support 3 = 1.2125

Have a look at the 5 minute chart below

pivot point

The green line is the pivot point. The blue lines are resistance levels R1,R2 and R3. The red lines are support levels S1,S2 and S3.

There are loads of ways to trade this day using pivot points but I shall walk you through a few of them and discuss why some are good in certain situations and why some are bad.

The Breakout Trade

At the beginning of the day we were below the pivot point, so our bias is for short trades. A channel formed so you would be looking for a break out of the channel, preferably to the downside. In this type of trade you would have your sell entry order just below the lower channel line with a stop order just above the upper channel line and a target of S1. The problem on this day was that, S1 was very close to the breakout level and there was just not enough meat in the trade (13 pips). This is a good entry technique for you. Just because it was not suitable this day, does not mean it will not be suitable the next day.

pivt point channel

The Pullback Trade

This is one of my favorite set ups. The market passes through S1 and then pulls back. An entry order is placed below support, which in this case was the most recent low before the pullback. A stop is then placed above the pullback (the most recent high - peak) and a target set for S2. The problem again, on this day was that the target of S2 was to close, and the market never took out the previous support, which tells us that, the market sentiment is beginning to change.

pivot point pullback

Breakout of Resistance

As the day progressed, the market started heading back up to S1 and formed a channel (congestion area). This is another good set up for a trade. An entry order is placed just above the upper channel line, with a stop just below the lower channel line and the first target would be the pivot line. If you where trading more than one position, then you would close out half your position as the market approaches the pivot line, tighten your stop and then watch market action at that level. As it happened, the market never stopped and your second target then became R1. This was also easily achieved and I would have closed out the rest of the position at that level.

pivot point brakeout


As I mentioned earlier, there are lots of ways to trade with pivot points. A more advanced method is to use the cross of two moving averages as a confirmation of a breakout. You can even use combinations of indicators to help you make a decision. It might be the cross of two averages and also MACD must be in buy mode. Mess around with a few of your favorite indicators but remember the signal is a break of a level and the indicators are just confirmation.

pivot point advanced

We haven't even got into patterns around pivot levels or failures but that is not the point of this lesson. I just want to introduce another possible way for you to trade.

Information, charts or examples contained in this lesson are for illustration and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. We do not and cannot offer investment advice. For further information please read our disclaimer.


Boost Your Income With Financial Spread Betting

by: Gary Anderson
About 6 years ago I started to notice that certain friends of mine had quit their jobs but continued to live very luxurious lifestyles - seemingly without doing very much. I thought they must just be using up their savings until I discovered they were all making a fantastic living by spending just a few hours a week doing something I had never heard of before - �financial spread betting�

More and more people are now becoming familiar with the phrase �financial spread betting�. Once, the sole preserve of City Whiz kids or sophisticated gamblers, financial spread betting is now gaining in popularity as a great way to earn a very sizeable tax-free income without the risk of losing the shirt off your back!

So why is financial spread betting becoming so popular. Well, with a bit of understanding and practice, ordinary people, with no prior experience, can earn enormous sums whilst controlling their risks and limiting their losses. You do not even need a stockbroker or a city dealing account to do get involved. An on-line account is very simple to open and anyone with web access can do it.

Spread betting, aka futures trading, is easy to understand if you stick to a simple index like the FTSE 100 or the DOW JONES.

In basic terms, this is how it works:

When you buy a �future� you take a position on what you think the index (e.g. the FTSE 100, or the DOW ) will be at some future date - e.g. June 2008. Let�s say the FTSE is currently at 5200 and you think it will rise over the next three months as �terrorist fever� abates. You would buy the June FTSE at (say) �10 per point. For every point it rises, you make �10. If it goes up 100 points, you make �1000. Of course, if you get it wrong and the index falls by fifty points (say), you lose �500.00.

You need of course to be very aware of the risks before you get involved. As with any investment or business, you can lose money. If, by nature, you are a timid, cautious person, then it is definitely not for you. But if you have some money to play with, and aren�t risk adverse, then financial spread betting is the one of the best possible ways you can make a great deal of money completely tax free� and there are clever ways of limiting your losses so you never lose more than you can afford.

Unlike most businesses, it is possible to get involved with an absolute minimal outlay and take a position without buying a single thing. You do have to �back� your position with a certain amount of cash, but this is �insurance� money, NOT stake money.

The best thing is you can try it for free without any risk at all. You can �dry trade� with �monopoly� money until you get a feel for how it works and are confident enough to start using real money.

Financial spread betting has become so popular primarily because of the relationship between risk and capital. It is highly leveraged and you can make huge profits with only a limited amount of capital and risk. The fact that there is (unlike with most investments) no stamp duty or tax also helps make it extremely attractive.

So if you are of the right temperament, spread betting can be a very lucrative way of making an amazing income in your spare time. But be warned, if used recklessly or without the correct knowledge it can result in large losses.

About the author:

Gary Anderson.

Gary Anderson is the author of �Betting On A Fortune�
the best selling book on how to make money from financial
spread betting.

To get a FREE COPY of Gary�s course �7 Steps To Successful
Spread Betting�, visit

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Bollinger Bands

by: Cynthia Macy
Contracting bands warn that the market is about to trend: the bands first converge into a narrow neck, followed by a sharp price movement. The first breakout is often a false move, preceding a strong trend in the opposite direction.

A move that starts at one band normally carries through to the other, in a ranging market.

A move outside the band indicates that the trend is strong and likely to continue - unless price quickly reverses.

A trend that hugs one band signals that the trend is strong and likely to continue. Wait for divergence (when the price is flat or rising or falling, but the MACD is going in the opposite direction...the price will break out in the direction of the MACD) or a Momentum Indicator to signal the end of a trend.

I use the BB's for indication of when a breakout or breakdown is imminent. When the outside bands get very narrow, it means the price is consolidating and is getting ready for a breakout, either up or down.

At this point, it's dangerous to have a position because you don't know if it's going to break up or down. When the bands get very narrow, it's almost better to close out your old positions, even at a loss, until you see a clear direction. If you don't want to close out an old position at a loss, at least hedge it. See more about hedging later in the Advanced Day Trade Forex course.

The BB's can't tell you which direction the breakout will be, the Chaos Oscillator (MACD) and Momentum will do that, and I always trade in the direction the Momentum and Chaos (MACD) are going.

Sometimes when using the slower timeframes, I use the outer BB's as targets for my limit sell price. If the bands are really wide after a big move, I use the middle band as my limit target price.

Bollinger Bands are designed to capture the majority of price movement. When prices move beyond the upper or lower band, they are considered high (overbought) or low (oversold) on a relative basis.

More On Using Bollinger Bands:

First, the BB's can be used as I mentioned before, as price targets. If the bands are narrow, the price will be jumping up & down within the two outer bands. As mentioned before, this is not the best time to be putting on a trade,
as the trading range is too narrow, unless you can make a decent quick profit in a 1 or 5 minute chart.

If the range isn't too narrow, you can ride it up and down and book pips. I only attempt this in a 1 or 5 minute timeframe using the 5/9/18/50 EMA's. Don't do it if you can't make at least 5-10 pips up and down. The danger is in whipsaws.

Most of the time, unless the bands are too narrow, you can make trades by literally bouncing off the outer bands.

This is called "The Bollinger Bounce".

When placing a trade, just set your stop at the outer BB and your price target limit sell order where the other outer band is.

If your trade rapidly approaches the limit price and all your indicators say that the price movement is just getting started & not likely to quickly reverse on you, then you should first either remove your limit price & let the price run, or, raise your limit price another 5-10 pips. Then raise your stop to either your entry point or past it, to lock in either breakeven or some profit in case the price suddenly reverses on you.

This is definitely what you should do in a price breakout. If the price keeps going up in an extended breakout, you just keep adjusting your stop upwards to lock in more profit (this is called a trailing stop, more later on this subject) and keep raising your limit also.

A Super Advanced method of using BB's is to use two sets of BB's, both with the middle band set at 18. Set one BB to a standard deviation of 3 and leave the other standard deviation at 1. This gives you 6 short term support/resistance lines to work with. Your initial stop and target are the outer bands, and your inner bands are used for your trailing stop and short term resistance and
support. You can also trade off the two inner bands.

This method is very similar to using Fibonacci OR Average True Range (ATR), but is much easier to use and understand.

Pleave visit the author's other trading sites for more trading information:

About the author:
Cynthia Macy has been trading various markets for over 12 years but now concentrates on the forex market. To learn more about forex trading, visit:

Request the 'Trade of the Week' to see actual trades using the trading methods and strategies.

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Best Stock Market Simulation Games

by: scott morris
A stock market simulation game is a great way to practice your investment skills before actually investing any "real" money in the stock market.

Simulation games are usually played on the internet, where people can experience the thrill of investing in the stock market without any risks, costs or any fear of losing money when and if they make a poor investment decision.

Many teachers and professors of banking and finance are now using stock market simulation games to teach their students about the rudiments of investing in stocks. Most stock market simulation games come with a fee to get started, but there are some that are free of any charge. One does not need have prior knowledge about the stock market to join.

This is how stock market simulation games usually work:

First, players must register. After registration, players are given an initial sum of "virtual" money to invest in companies of their choice. Players build a portfolio of stocks by buying and selling shares in companies. Most stock market simulation games use real-time market data.

The objective of most stock market simulation games is simple:

To increase the value of your portfolio of stocks so that it is greater than that of the other game players.

Below are some tips on choosing a stock market simulation game:

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is used and recommended by reputable colleges, high schools, middle school, investment clubs, brokers in training, corporate education courses and any other group of individuals studying markets in the U.S. and worldwide.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is comprehensive and easy to implement in any Finance, Economics, or Investments class. A good stock market simulation game should feature trading of stocks, options, futures, mutual funds, bonds from the U.S. and many of the world's major markets.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that provides a valuable, reliable, and realistic trading simulation at a reasonable price to members and other individuals who are interested in learning more about investing and trading. The simulation game should also have some capability for testing a variety for investment strategies.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that has a toll-free customer service phone number and excellent e-mail support for members. The support function should be able to quickly answer any questions that members/players may have.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is easy to use and easy to teach even to those who have never had any real hands-on investment experience.

About the author:
Scott Morris manages his personal site on stocks investments and venture capital investments http://ceoinvestments.comfor more information, you can visit

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